Saturday 4 October 2014

Naked Moms


Sunday 10 August 2014

Report: 63% of [In-Store] Smartphone Shoppers Were Pushed Towards a Samsung Device.

Samsung gets plenty of love from wireless carriers

A recent survey conducted by Kantar Worldpanel ComTech has revealed some interesting trends when it comes to how Americans purchase new smartphones. First and foremost, while many of us tech geeks pride ourselves on purchasing as much of our gear online as possible, a full 64 percent of Americans actually purchase their smartphones in-store.

Only 24 percent purchase their smartphones online, with the rest we assume purchasing them over the phone through their carrier.

But what’s perhaps most interesting is what smartphones are being pushed by carriers. Kantar’s research found that 63 percent of customers that walked into a retail store to buy a new smartphone were recommended a Samsung device. What’s most interesting is that this was double the rate for Apple recommendations and nearly 10 times the rate for smartphones made by Nokia.

And it should come as no surprise that 59 percent of those who were nudged towards a Samsung device walked out with one. 35 percent left with an Android smartphone made by another manufacturers, and only 6 percent purchased an iPhone.

But Apple needs not worry about its customers straying too far from the herd. iPhone users remain incredible loyal, with Kantar describing a “strong emotional connection with the Apple brand and its devices.”

Kantar adds that consumers purchasing Apple’s iPhone models are the ones doing the least amount of pre-purchase research in part due to the strength of the brand, the rabid fanbase, and high satisfaction rate with iPhone hardware.

Saturday 9 August 2014



Do you have what it takes to be a part of a fast growing blogging community then drop us an email and we will sort out contracts with you.

Baillie Barber (Founder/Head Blogger)
TreasureTech ©

Friday 8 August 2014

How to Get Companies to Purchase Advertising Space on Your Blog

Recently I ran a survey asking readers what types of topics they wanted more information on, and “how to make money with your blog” was a popular theme. It seems like it would be easy enough – place some ads on your blog and watch the money roll in, right?
Unfortunately, securing advertisers is not as easy as 1-2-3. For potential companies to even consider advertising on your blog, you will need to have the right target audience and LOTS and LOTS of traffic!
So before you even try to get companies to advertise on your blog, you need to create focused, quality content that will attract readers, but you will also need to post regularly so that readers continue to visit your site. To start tracking the number of visitors that you are receiving, you will want to install some sort of site analytics on your blog. The most popular is Google Analytics but you can also get traffic stats from your web hosting company or you can use some free traffic metric sites like Alexa, Cubestat or Peekstats.
Once you have some decent numbers, you will want to clearly indicate that you accept advertising on your blog; you will also need to have a design that allows you to place ads. On your advertising page you will want to let potential advertisers know why they should advertise on your site; do you have an award winning blog, good stats, and testimonials from previous advertisers – what does your audience look like, this is all information that potential advertisers will want to know. You will also want to include information about the ads, do they rotate, where are they located and what size ads do you accept.
Pricing will be another area that you will need to address. Are you going to charge on a CPM model where advertising is bought on the basis of impression- Example125 X 125 ad @ $5CPM for a site with 200,000 impressions a month = $1,000. Or will you use a Period Purchase Model where ads are purchased on a fixed price point. Example: 125 x 125 ad for $99.00 for 30 days. Once you have decided on which model you will use, you’ll need to figure out how much to charge, a good way to do this is to find other blogs in your niche and see what they are charging for ad space.
Now that you have all of the basics in place it’s time to find potential advertisers. One easy way to do this is to do a Google search for keywords that relate to your blog and target niche. Once you have found some companies that you would like to work with, send them an introductory email with your direct advertising marketing package.  Maki from Dosh Dosh has a fabulous post on how to create a direct ad marketing package. With this step, make sure that you have thoroughly done your research, find a contact name, and understand the company’s products, services and mission, and make sure it aligns with your own.  Make sure you send a follow-up email to ensure that your message has been received.
Another way to find potential advertisers is to search for companies who are already advertising on sites that are similar to yours. You can also do a Google search for your specific keywords and click on the sponsored links on the right hand side on the search results – these are companies who are paying Google for PPC advertising and there is a good chance they will want to advertise with you too.
Sound like a lot of work? It can be.  Maybe you just don’t have the time to search for advertisers. Well there is good news, selling your own ads is not the only way to generate income from advertising on your blog, instead you can decide to work with an ad network.
Because ad networks are doing all of the leg work in securing sponsors, your cut of the pie will be smaller than if you were selling the ads directly yourself.  However because ad networks have name recognition and strength behind their brand, they tend to work with larger companies, who would have been out of reach for the independent blogger trying to secure them as a sponsor.
Here are some of the main advertising networks that you can work with:
  • Adblade – They only evaluate publishers that generate over 500,000 page views a month.
  • BlogHer Publishing Network – Not currently accepting new publishers, but you can sign up to be on their waiting list.
  • Burst Media – Based in the UK.
  • Buzz Logic Media Partners – Works with companies like HP, Sprout, Starbucks and HBO.
  • CozyCot Network – The ad network by women for women.
  • Fairfax Digital Network – Focuses on Life & Style, Small Business, Digital Life and Baby.
  • Federated Media – Only accepts the best, Heather Armstrong’s Dooce is represented by Federated Media. However you can fill out their online contact submission form, it can’t hurt.
  • Glam Media- Focuses on lifestyle, cooking, design, fashion, beauty, or other topics primarily geared toward men and women.
  • Google Adsense – Probably one of the most popular ad networks out there, Google allows publishers to place both text and image ad on their blogs. With this network you will be paid per click (PPC). I know that Darren Rowse of Problogger makes a good amount using Google Adsense, so don’t rule it out.
  • Gorilla Nation – Rated up there with Federated Media, Gorilla Nation requires all Publisher Partners to have a minimum of 1 million page views per month.
  • HotChalk Media Group – Focuses on educational publishers.
  • JuiceBoxJungle Ad Network – Not currently taking new applicants, however they offer a new affiliate program called Juice in the City.
  • Lifetime Moms Affiliate Network – Says it can take up to 6 weeks for a response.
  • Martha’s Circle – Martha Stewart’s ad network works with top lifestyle blogs & websites.
  • Momlogic Network – Deals with mom centric blogs.
  • Real Girls Media – Not currently accepting new publishers. Works with sites like Divine Caroline.
  • Sustain Lane Green Ad Network – Featuring high-quality, original content covering Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability.
  • Yahoo Publisher Network – With Yahoo you can place text ads that are relevant to your content and you will be paid PPC.
Do you sell advertising on your blog? What has worked well for you?

Thursday 7 August 2014

Business Simulation!!

Thursday 31 July 2014

Indiegogo Projects you should back...

The Great British Bus Simulator


Cheap Bus & Coach Travel

More added soon...

Friday 25 July 2014

JJ Abrams Unveils X-Wing Starfighter for New "Star Wars" Movie.

It's not a Z-95 Headhunter

Star Wars fans are keeping a close eye on any developments concerning the upcoming episodes, likely making sure there aren't any huge mistakes approaching (i.e., Jar Jar Binks-like characters and a terrible-looking CGI Yoda). Thankfully, some good news has been revealed.

JJ Abrams, director of the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII, recently showed off an X-Wing starfighter from the set of the new movie. This is great news for die-hard fans hoping to see bits and pieces from the original trilogy.

There was originally some discussion about the starfighter looking like a Z-95 Headhunter, but the official Star Wars Twitter page confirmed that it's an X-Wing:

Further confirmation was provided with this follow-up tweet:

The X-Wing is an important fighter that was partially responsible for the destruction of two Death Stars.

Disney bought Lucasfilm Ltd. -- the studio responsible for Star Wars -- for $4.05 billion USD in October 2012. At that time, it was also announced that Disney started working on the new Star Wars trilogy, beginning with "Episode 7." The new episode is due out in 2015, and Episodes 8 and 9 will shortly follow. According to Disney, the new trilogy will follow Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo beyond Return of the Jedi, which was the third film in the original trilogy (but is chronologically the sixth film in the franchise).

In March 2013, it was announced that Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford (the original Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo in Episodes IV-VI) would resume their roles in the upcoming trilogy made by Disney.

The rest of the cast was announced in April 2014, which included Peter Mayhew as "Chewbacca", Anthony Daniels as "C-3PO" and Kenny Baker as "R2-D2".

You can check out Abrams' update here, where he also discusses a chance to be in the new film and give away an advanced screening in the winner's hometown with 20 friends.

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